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Changes In Your Body During Pregnancy First Trimester |
If all is going to plan, your beloved should now be showing the first physical symptoms of pregnancy. Some unscrupulous men keep a list of these on their person at all times.
- Morning sickness. Or more properly, 'morning' sickness, as most writers on the subject are keen to stress that feelings of nausea can arise at any time of day. Some women will barf copiously, others will just mope around feeling ghastly, while a few are spared morning sickness and so are hated by all other mothers-to-be. Don't try and claim you are suffering morning sickness yourself, especially if you had a drink or two the night before.
- Tiredness. They vomit in the morning, and in the evening they are knackered. They're really good fun, the first few months of pregnancy.
- Weak bladder. Most men under 35 are correctly proud of their extraordinary bladder capacity, for which they will pay in later life with regular nocturnal visits to the toilet. For women, this process begins during pregnancy. Even in the first few months they can barely look at a glass of water without wanting a pee. Try and wean them off diuretic drinks like tea and Coca Cola. Alternatively, carry a bucket.
- Breasts. They will become tender and may tingle a little. This is nothing to do with you, although you may as well take the credit. The veins on her breasts may also be more prominent, and her breasts may actually feel heavier - to you as well as to her. So if she starts talking about moving up a bra size, try to be sensitive, and don't make any jokes about eating all the pies.
- Smell. This is the real killer, especially for those unscrupulous men we were talking about earlier. One of the odder symptoms of pregnancy is a drastically enhanced sense of smell. She will know that the milk has gone off before you have opened the fridge door. My partner says she could smell someone smoking on the other side of the street, even if she was indoors with all the windows closed. There are sound biological reasons for this: smell helps mother and baby to bond immediately after the birth. After only a couple of days a mother may be able to identify her infant merely by its smell.
Meanwhile, at all times of day and night, alien words and phrases are popping unbidden into her mind. Stretch marks, Varicose veins. Mothercare. Without being told to by anyone, her body is gearing up for action. For the next nine months it will have one priority: to grow a baby. Everything else, including the mother's health and well-being, will come second. The conscious mind has no role to play in any of this, which may come as a shock to the conscious mind, which has had things very much its own way up to now. But the body was already programmed for this at birth, and has been ready since puberty. The mind is the passenger here; for once the vehicle is driving itself. To find out more, you can check out Changes In Your Body During Pregnancy First Trimester.